So you've noticed the growing trend: Chlorophyll supplements, chlorophyll water, etc. What's all the buzz about? We know green is good when it comes to health, but how can drinking chlorophyll help? That’s a great question, one that we’ll address in this article.
But first things first…
What is Chlorophyll?
When you look at the plants around you, you can’t help but notice their green color. That’s chlorophyll – the green pigment that all plants have. Chlorophyll captures sunlight, then converts it to energy by the process of photosynthesis.
There are actually two different types of chlorophyll: chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Both are considered fat-soluble. How does your body use chlorophyll? Studies show that it helps carry oxygen to your blood. This helps your entire body!
Where Does Chlorophyll Come From?
Basically, anything that's green has chlorophyll in it. But that doesn't mean every plant is a good source of it. Chlorophyll is taken from plants and plant-based foods such as algae and alfalfa. Silkworm droppings are also an option, although not as common. Certain vegetables such as spinach or wheatgrass contain elements of chlorophyll too.
How Can You Take It?
Some of the most common ways to take chlorophyll are in a liquid form, tablets, capsules, or powder. Chlorophyll can have a distinct taste, so some companies offer mint flavors to help mask it.
While drinking chlorophyll is becoming popular, some people prefer topical or sprays. It really just depends on the person.
What Are The Benefits?
Chlorophyll has many potential benefits, including antioxidants and vitamins. While research is still ongoing, some of the more consistent findings include:
Blood cell building
Reduced Inflammation
Wound healing
Internal deodorizer
Weight loss
Are There Any Risks?
Chlorophyll is an element found naturally in plants. While likely safe, taking large amounts can result in:
Dark Stools
Digestive Upset
Pregnant or breastfeeding? There isn’t a lot of studies done in these areas, so it’s best to use caution. Talk with your doctor before drinking or consuming any form of chlorophyll. This applies especially if you’re taking other medications.
How Much Chlorophyll Should You Take?
There is no set dosage amount when it comes to how much chlorophyll you should take. If you're going to eat your chlorophyll, the standard recommendation for vegetables is at least 4 servings. If you're going to drink your chlorophyll, follow the directions on the bottle.
Where Can You Get Chlorophyll?
Many chlorophyll supplements can be found at your local health and vitamin stores. There are also online stores that sell chlorophyll. Always do your research to find the best sources.
If you wanted to get chlorophyll straight from the plant, try eating:
Green Beans
Note that eating these foods raw will be your best bet at getting the most nutrients. Smoothies make it easy to drink chlorophyll straight from the plant!
Chlorophyll is the green, energy-producing pigment plants use to live and thrive. People can benefit from chlorophyll as well. Whether you drink it, take capsules or apply ointments, there are many ways to reap the benefits! While the risks of taking chlorophyll are small, mild ones do occur. Research companies when you're thinking of buying chlorophyll. Talk with your doctor if you’re currently taking other medications.
Have you tried drinking chlorophyll? How about taking capsules? Have you noticed any difference in your health? I’d love to hear in the comments below!